Saturday, August 29, 2015

Lost family

Life is very short and so often we miss out on opportunities. Many of us have come from divorced homes, we saw the good, bad and ugly within our very walls. Some memories want to make us scream and others do a dance in the rain. I will have to say I have in my life remembered the good, bad and ugly of my childhood. I was given the chance though to change my future by moving on from my past and I choose to come to peace with my past and move on. I remember the good times much more than the bad times now. It is not that I have closed them off from my life I know that they lived but now they don't rule me. Not all of us have the courage to do that. We come across people from our past and the longer we are with them the more they make us see parts of ourselves we don't want to deal with. The sad reality about that is as long as you are living in the past it will rule you whether you like it or not. Sorry, I forgive you goes along way. A new page to write a new beginning. There is no good standing at a grave side wishing you had, now let's be honest we often do but if you have the opportunity to make memories that make the past not so bad then go for it. Fear only can hurt you as long as you allow it. There is hope when you face your past and move on. You become free no more chains from days that that just pulled you down. Sadly to say the Lost Family of what could have been a new beginning, often never gets to reconnect and live. It is the lost family found at a grave side. Family members reconnected by a moment but not willing to let go. What could have happened if only they had done so.... The choice is up to all of us... Make families count and let go and move on .... the page is waiting for a new story...lets write a good one.

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