Saturday, June 21, 2014

They made it......!!

Many times we see in the news a fire or a plane crash something so catastrophic we cannot believe that anyone could of made it out alive. An image of a burning home, sirens ambulance and police sounds may rush through our heads and then all is captured by the media and the event captured by the press and through the media in an instant a moment the world or town is focused on that one event. Who truly looks back and thinks about a fire that took place a year ago or talk about the tsunami's that took place a few years ago we're not there and our lives moves on forgetting the rebuilding of so many lives still goes on today. Yet a divorce shatters lives for so many generations it is like a small crack in a foundation of a home if not dealt with the home will have major issues. Like walking outside and snow is falling yet in an hour you are trapped in a blizzard your wind shield whippers going oh so fast lights on you can barely see and yet you keep on driving hoping that you will make it home. So many go to empty homes sitting and focusing on what they felt what they should have had and forgetting to see the good. So many sit just heart broken a dream shattered to pieces tossed to the side and into the fire as sparks fly out like a glass bottle braking and bursting by the heat of the flames. At times you see light and a smile on a face you're going to be alright. But frozen in time you are hearing the voices of the past haunt you down and capture your mind. You tell yourself one step forward and indeed two steps back. Don't forget the children your like a pioneer finding your way through the prairie's walking through the cold trying to pick up your feet but your body is oh so cold but you have to go on, they are counting on you and God only knows you have no idea how you will make it but you tell yourself God some how I know I can do this.You cry at night and in the toilet stall you just stand crying at times. You try to tell yourself it's going to be alright and you take a step and the earth trembles but this time no tsunami just a small earth quake you better watch your back. You go to college and dream a dream or two. Yet frozen at times like your feet stuck to the ice you stand, like a child learning to skate yet one day perhaps just perhaps you will glide. So to me when i hear those words They made it.... i now think of those who have lost a loved one, survived a tragedy or illness and to those children and people young and old they made it... they did it you just never saw how hard they had to try to make it through each day and still smile.

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