Sunday, January 25, 2015


That small word that makes us think about who we are and who we are willing to allow into our lives. Trust can mean many things you trust someone with a secret, you have a trust fund set up for your kids, you trust someone to do something for you, but what happens when that little word is pushed to the limit and that word trust is just letters on your floor or fragments in your heart broken. Many say that honesty and trust run hand in hand many have persusive words to sweet talk but honesty is if you haven't built trust in a person then perhaps there is no honesty. Trust is accepting a person faults and all and loving those quirky things. I know of a situation when someone died and the trust fund that they left for their kids the rules behind were not carried through. That person may not be here but trust and honesty was not kept. When a person gets divorced trust is broken.No would ever think of comparing divorce with Christ's betrayal but in truth there are a lot of similarities in the fact the moment Judas betrayed trust was brooken and then his sweet talk Jesus saw through it all. In the same way in divorce those words of promise now mean nothing. I say Trust is a thing you can take tiny steps it might be like I did this week I started writing again. I trusted myself that it was alright to be hurt by someone's comment but now I was going to trust that I loved writing. I tell you that don't let one moment of mistrust destroy the person you can be.....You are worth so much more than that. When I look at Christ I see that He knew all what Judas was going to do but He trusted God that He had a big plan.. His plan is that in taking tiny steps you can not only Trust Him but you can live a life where your past does not run your future.. You are amazing I trust that you are going to do great things because...Trust means that every day we have the chance to make a new page and Trust that the pages can be beautiful, amazing and awesome...

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