Monday, September 2, 2019

You might as well be dead.... What a bloody lie.

There's the time you just want to be loved by your family when you're feeling overwhelmed. You pick up the phone and there is silence and then the tone they heard your voice the phone is hung up. It's another ring another slam. You sit crying what the hell went wrong It's accusations which aren't true, it's told you're not good enough, you've done this and that all lies and there simply not true. You question the past and you wonder what was the truth. The phone call of loneliness the phone call of pride. Kelly Clarkson wrote a song about how she traveled fifteen hundred miles to see her dad In 'Piece by Piece' well Kelly I beat that I traveled over three thousand miles to see a man who I just wanted to love me. I waited all my life to hear him say he loved me. I heard him lie, tear us all down, beat my brother and I was a pawn in his game money given just so my mum would see me again. Yet I forgave I sat and listened to his lies, I loved the time I saw you Dad I said with tears rolling down my eyes. Yet a year later and I was not good enough another woman and oh so many lies. I heard my brother crying down the phone, how he wasn't good enough he had not done enough for his wife who died, he just wasn't enough he felt, he had listened to all the lies. Then the phone call he had taken his life. There's the time you just sit crying on the floor, you've called everybody to get your mum home from the hospital, you've woken up early you've done it all over 3,000 miles away. Yet all you get is your not good enough. A joyful cry as your parents say we've thrown all your school books away all the photos of your once life, you're told that there, not yours and that you don't really matter. There's this aching feeling that you should have taken more when you saw your mum or what the hell did I do wrong. In reality there's nothing you could have done. Nobody knows all you've gone through is so true. A song with lyrics telling others nobody knows what someone goes through. It's a time you grief through, it's a time your alone. An Israelite in the desert searching for a home. You see your pain in a shattered mirror, you want to shake the glass and make it all straight again. It's the voices from the past and the battle in the present. It's looking in the eyes of Jesus to make it all better. It's a bloody battle I say I am not better off dead, I've fought this battle and I'll stand and bloody fight. You might not see me as Jesus does you might say I am bloody well not good enough, but in His eyes I am good enough. I might not have a mansion I might be on food stamps and little to my name, but I'll fight this bloody battle, to hell with all your words one day they too will be shattered and like my childhood memories and pain the ones where I felt I was not enough and the ones when I was an adult when you lied and just pulled me down there be like the grains of the sand cast into the ocean no more at my feet no more apart of me, no more my pain. You may tare me and my children down but all those bloody lies and all those scars we've carried God only knows His going to make it better. You might as well be dead they say....No I'll fight this bloody battle to the end...Because to the many who have said that I am not good enough I am telling you what a Bloody lie. See we count...and I'll travel my whole life fighting that battle.

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