Saturday, February 13, 2016

Notes in my pocket. The true meaning of Valentines day.

If I think of what the true meaning of Valentine's Day is I think of the old fashioned cards that people used to send each other, and then there is the handkerchief with initials on it. I think it was all so sweet. Today Valentine's is so commercialized with cards, chocolate and flowers. How much thought I wonder has gone into these items that are bought. This year we sent my mum some food, thinking of how we wished we were with her and how she could tell us how she had eaten too much cake and what she liked. It was lovely for us to give to someone else and think of how Valentine's is not all about us getting a gift but more in how we could bless someone else. Hearing my mum's happy voice down the phone made me feel blessed that in some small way we could provide her with some joy. Valentine's Day is more than the red flowers and chocolate: it is truly when you think of blessing someone else, seeing how someone who is perhaps alone can feel some love. There are so many people that need that bit of love: it could be a hug, a word of encouragement, food or a phone call. That to me is the true Valentine's. If I look at Christ, to me, He is the ultimate Valentine a man that we should continually look up to and say even when our hearts are broken that in Him we find true love, our true Valentine's and our true source of what love should be, totally unconditional and always willing to love the unlovable. May you find a person to bless this Valentine's and see that by blessing someone else, your heart is truly full of love like no other. Happy Valentine's.

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