Monday, February 29, 2016

Notes in my pocket. Love.

I was talking to my mum this weekend she will be eighty six this year. Her and I are both divorced. It so touched my heart what she said, "My dad loved me, my mum did not want another child and all I wanted all my life was to be loved, I still do." I thought how similar her and I were she has a huge heart honestly and last year I got to see her but I did not see her first and often she has not been first rather the second or third person in my life. I thought of how I send her food every now and again now, but when I lived in England I sent nothing. Life is really short do we as Christians really show love or do we so often think about ourselves. We hear of someone in need of food our freezer is full yet we cannot even bother to call them up and ask "what can I do to help." Many are not in a position to help others yet it is often those people that do the most. A woman at nearly eighty six still wanting a simple thing called Love yet how many people show that on a daily basis. I think so often we smile a smile yet show nothing. Words are cheap actions speak loud volumes when you have no food on the table. A friend paid for my car to get fixed last week not because they had to but because they cared. It is people that love you no matter what that show real love I have a family that love me good and ugly they love me the same. My mum I don't think has ever felt that love she is just one person in this world how many others do we ignore. I say don't be the status quo actually show love to others because you want to change a person to help them understand that they do matter that you do care and that they are loved. Isn't that what Jesus would have done!

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