Sunday, July 28, 2019

Andi Mack Finale and what a mother learnt from the show !

One could say that Andi Mack was different in many ways than any other kids' series. Indeed, as a mother, I viewed that what Andi Mack did was show that no matter what the situation is in life you could be true to yourself. "Was Andi Mack aimed at young people?" one could ask. Yes, it was, but as a mother in her fifties, I found myself seeing I had a lot to learn from this season and the previous ones. We all are unique and have something to give: Andi with her art, Buffy with playing sports... the list could go on: they all were special. I think as we grew old we all forget that we can still dream dreams and still accomplish amazing things. As a child, I so wanted to be a fashion designer but never did. So what stops me now? Maybe it is in seeing that as we face challenges of life and value each other, anything is possible. The show focused on so many different issues from panic attacks, parents, school to issues around us. It should empower people when they watch this show that the world around us allows us many opportunities to be unique, different and that we can overcome so many hurdles if we allow others to help. Even the gran was amazing: she was truly fun and inspiring, and I hope I am like her when I am one. It is sad though that Andi Mack was canceled. I think it gave kids a voice. I think it allowed issues to be shared and heard in a very unique way. How can we take what one series tried to teach us and make a difference? One can only say that we each have a voice, and this TV show should inspire us all to have a voice, be heard and be proud of who we are and who we can become-- no matter what our age. So on behalf of the mothers out there, Thank you, Andi Mack, for being an amazing show of sheer inspiration and allowing me to see the world of not just my children in a new way but also my own.

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