Friday, August 10, 2018

Caring for each others.

We live in a world where computers rule and people asking if you are alright matter little. I use to work in customer service, indeed I have since I was fifteen I loved working in my mum's tea rooms, the smell of bread that was sold in the front end of the tea rooms was bliss to me. My brother had a shop which sold mugs and all sorts of things I loved Christmas and he won the Christmas display in our small sea side town of Cromer in North Norfolk. When I was a child most people knew your name. We walked every where up and down the hills of West Runton, God we must have been fit and to this day I love the memories. This lady owned a small store in West Runton it sold meat and groceries I called her "The Thank you, thank you, Very Much Lady" as after each item was placed on the counter that is what she said. Stanton is a small village in England I love it there, people talk to you like you have never left. So where has that all gone? When I worked in customer service I took the time to hold people's hands when they cried, to listened to their stories and was present in the little time I had with them. From placing groceries a certain way to asking about their children or how they were feeling, to me it was away of serving, away of making sure for that one moment that person felt loved. I would often say " You look beautiful or hello handsome" if my words brought joy just for a moment then indeed I was blessed. To me many of us are seeking to belong to have people care about us no matter what the age. Have we all moved so far away from caring that we are just robots in a materialistic world. To be blunt I think often companies just care about how much money they make, but in reality consumers often come back if they know that they are cared for.It is really the same with employees if you sit and listen to an employee and help them to do well really the reward is more then just a pat on the back it is seeing someone do well and wishing them the best. I think we almost have to untrain our minds and go back to what was told to us when we were young. "Treat others how you would want to be treated yourself" Now that is a thought to end with.

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