Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas 2016 A new meaning.

This has been the first Christmas I have spent with just me and my girls. I became a single mum seven years ago. When I got separated I wanted with all my heart for my ex husband to come to his senses and love me and the girls with all his heart. But life did not turn out like the vision I had had of being married years and not getting divorce after eighteen years I became a single mum in a country far from home. I was reminded today of that heart ache as my girls waited to hear from their dad but no phone call came and just a text he was busy as my younger daughter said with his new family. It is true our hearts want so much to be loved that often we chase after love from people who really are incapable of loving us. My girls are amazing and I am not perfect but I see today that in those hopes that it is time to move on. It is in the solitude of tears rolling down my eyes that I sense sadness as if someone died yet hope that I can live as me and not what someone wanted me to be. As I stood yesterday listening to a choir I realized that it is not in perfection and looking good that we find hope but in our imperfection and in seeing that we are enough. See we are blessed to be given children and we are blessed to be given this life and even in death we can see that there is a vision for a new life. So today may have been difficult and awkward but it is time to move on year 7 is sure going to be great. Thanks God.

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