Lisa, enjoyed your blogs...... About "defining moments". I heard my friend, John Hobbs use that term once, and it hit me... " ahhh.. a defining moment is that or those times where God engineers a circumstance, a burden, a whatever that builds to the point that I have to choose. And when I choose Him, and go His way, I find that I learn so much from those moments, that from then on I will never be the same again. It is a time of revelation, like when Jesus said:
"There is nothing is concealed that will not be disclosed, or nothing hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, speak in the light; and what is whispered in your ear, shout it from the roof tops." Matthew 10:26-27
I believe that God himself walks us into dark, deep valleys. But it is there, in the darkness, that we see light we could never see at any other time. Just the tiniest speck shows up in darkness. And, what we hear there, in the quiet darkness, in the hearing of our ears, that is what He says, "shout it from the roof tops."
In literature, the greatest defining moment was when Ebenezer Scrooge, having seen his life past, life present, and the horrible life to come , but wakes up and realizes it was a dream, a warning, and in the spirit of repentance, shouts to a lad in the street, "Merry Christmas, and go and purchase that huge turkey and take it to my employers house." What a defining moment.
I so agree with Ken. His letter really made me think. I never viewed that defining moments could be in hard times. But perhaps, if it was not for those hard times, we would not be given the chance to change. I know for myself I have by no way arrived, and all though I don't like change, I am thankful for the times I have allowed God to change me. I have found new friends for not being so judgemental, even seen myself in a different light and seen God do amazing things.
I think it is like a lighthouse. Sometimes the light is not very clear in the storm, but if we focus on the light it brings us home. Or if you are on a boat and the waves get a little rough, if you focus you can see amazing things. Like my husband and daughter did on a boat trip in Maine. They looked and saw seals and the wonderful beauty of Maine.
Just perhaps there is beauty in the storm because God defines us in that. I don't like hearing that but some how I do believe it to be true.
So today think about what Ken said and see that in life God wants us to draw closer to Him and to draw near to His shining light that will always define us. Because if we don't draw close to Him the pirates of life will get us.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Nice Blog & Pictures !