Monday, August 31, 2009

TaTa Moments.

Recently after 26 years I swam with a kick board. It meant the world to me. I was 16 the last time I swam and I did not learn to swim until I was 15. It felt so good not to have given up. I joked with my girls it will be another 26 years before I do this again. I think all of us have something we need to get better at or overcome. It is often been at the right place at the right time, believing in yourself and often just listening to God's voice talking to us.
I thought how many times I missed out but it is very true it is better to have tried, than never have tried.
My two daughters both took a little while to learn to ride their bikes but they never gave up.
My daughter Emily plays the flute and practises and practises she keeps trying.
My husband Tim always wanted to make something out of wood and he made a very good step for my mum's house.
All have one thing in common a TaTa moment. It is a moment when we overcome our fears.
If we daily give our fears to God how much better would life be how many moments would be TaTa It is not easy and it might take a long time but better to have tried than never tried at all.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Friends in the rain.

God is so good. Yesterday I had to take my oldest daughter down to see a friend who lives 1 hour from where I live. I do not like driving this by myself so I asked a friend if she would come, she not only came but drove the trip too. God knew best as it poured with rain and on the way back there was a detour.
It's amazing how God worked everything out. My youngest daughter even got to stay and play with her best friend.
I am so thankful that when the rains come in our lives that God sends such amazing friends. I mean God knew that I would have panicked about the rain and the detour, and He arranged it all that a friend could come.
Really we should call on God first. I know I often call on friends and God last, but I am learning that if we call on God first the storm is so much easier than when we go through it alone.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Unexpected Smiles.

Life sure has it's ups and downs and we surely at times feel more down than up. The other day someone unexpectedly bought a smile and a laugh to my children's face. We go to a very large church it has I think about 5,000 plus people but Pastor Mike Lee joked with my children and they laughed and laughed when they got in the car. He is like a sparkler or like going some where wonderful he has such a personality that energizes any soul. I wished his joy that he has could be bottled, it so lights up what Christ wants us to be. It was like taking a cup of hope a cup of love from God. It was a blessing from God.
We all need each other and so look for someone that you can add a smile to their face or add hope. It might just for a moment in time lift that dark cloud from their lives.
I have often questioned what will I be judged for at the end of the day and concluded we are judged for what was really in our hearts. How often our own hearts deceive us. But laughter and smiles bring us so closer to what God wants for us.
So go out and bring a smile to someones face.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Who's driving the train of your life?

Have you ever been on a steam train? Well I have and my eldest daughter went on one this summer. They go a lot slower than a normal train. You have time to enjoy the countryside and take things in. I often think of life like a train ride. If we are the controller driving the train, we often don't see the wrong turnings or the curve along a cliff. We often allow circumstances to push God out of the drivers role. It is only when we allow God to be in control of our train, so to speak, that He can then direct us through the steepest mountains. I know it is not easy, but I think if we try, God sees that and helps us to trust in Him. The ride becomes smoother and our trust in Him grows.
So this is a short message, find someone that you can talk to and take them along lives train ride when you are tempted to drive the train, they will help you to sit down and trust in God. They might be doing it for you today, but the next day, you might be doing it for them and together we can ride the train to a glorious heaven.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Voids in our hearts.

In life, we all have said things that we shouldn't of said or perhaps done something we regret. The thing is with life, God is very clear that the things that we do in secret will be shown. Not just shown but truly shown where our heart was at that time. Recently, something was bought up about a friend's past. It is so true, your past will haunt you unless you are honest and deal with it. Your past is always there. You can never hide from it, but you can deal with it. I know, for myself, that I have had to face many mountains about my past. Did I want to? No, but I knew I had to. It was only through God's grace that I moved forward. I will be honest, I had issues with my dad for years, but I wish him well today even though there was a time I did not wish him well at all. However, that does not mean I don't cry a few tears, and I wish that my dad could of seen what he was missing. I do know that life has left voids in my life that only God can heal. My dad is God's problem, and I leave him for God to sort out.
I don't know where you are today, but the first step is being honest. The next step is allowing God into that situation. I might be sad about my dad, but I often imagine God dancing with me, twirling me around like a little girl, and in those moments, there are voids of just peace and a thankfulness that God loves me as His daughter. It might take a little bit at a time, but God can heal all our wounds. I have no doubt.
My sister took this photo. She had just got the camera, and so unfortunately, her thumb got in the way. I was four years old.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Standing in the gap.

A few years ago, a friend of mine went to a women's retreat. When she came back, she told us some of the things that were said at this retreat. One thing that really stood out was that we are to stand in the gap for people. None of us know exactly what is going on in each other's lives, and often, it is through prayer, love and others standing in the gap that keep us going. She quoted this, "I'm standing in the gap, I'm standing in the gap for you, lifting Holy hands, lifting Holy hands, lifting Holy hands for you."
Kim might not of known how those words that day have kept ringing through my ears ever since. God has often bought them to my remembrance and has sent people my way. Yesterday at church, Pastor Mike Lee asked us to raise our hands if we had lost a job or were a single parent. Many raised their hands, and he asked us to pray for those people. I would like to take that further. There are many lonely wives and husbands struggling, many with finances, and many with relationships. Many children are struggling with peer pressure and the issues of home life. It is all of us that need to stand in the gap. Maybe some can help with finances, maybe it is a prayer or a phone call, but all make life a little easier.
The picture that I have chosen for today is of my girls and I along the cliffs in Cromer. I might never soar like an eagle, but with God, He lifts me up, and in Him, I do literally soar like an eagle. So today, think who you can lift up. We can all do it whether we are the one going through a situation or not, we can stand in the gap for each other. After all, the Cross stood in the gap for us. What more should we do? Jesus gave us the cross as an example so let us stand and place it in the gap for so many people. If we do this together, God will do amazing things. I have no doubt.
Thank you for the many people who have stood in the gap for me.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Angels in the midst of trials.

It continues to amaze me how wonderful God is. How God through our valleys sends angels. It might be a friend or selling things at a yard sale. God is all around us. Last night, God sent such an Angel to encourage me. "God never leaves us nor forsakes us" and that is easy to say and hear, but I do believe it is true. I have some wonderful friends out there, and God brings them into my life and me into their lives to build each of us.

My daughter came up with a brilliant idea of selling these truffles and meringues that I made for her tea party. If you need to place an order please email me at for more information. They are $0.50 each/12 for $6.00.

I encourage you whatever you are going through, look for those Angels because there are many, and they can encourage you.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Letters to God.

Over the summer, I would see my older daughter typing on the computer, and I asked her what she was doing. She replied,"I am writing a letter to God, and I write what I think He would reply back to me". How absolutely wonderful! It really struck me that she was truly having a relationship with Our wonderful Dad. Often, my younger daughter will get a balloon from a store and let it go. I have asked her,"Why are you letting the balloon go?" and her reply was, "I am sending it to Jesus, Mum".
What a wonderful idea to write a letter to Our Heavenly Father or to give Him a bright colourful balloon.
My daughters might be only thirteen and seven, but, boy, do they have some wisdom. Perhaps it is something we could all do every now and again type a letter to Dad, and just listen and wait to hear Him reply. Or let a balloon go and see it go up to the sky. A gift from the heart to a God that gave His all.
So today, just take the time to talk to God or type a letter to Our Dear and Wonderful Dad.
There is really a lot of wisdom to learn from our children, and I believe that they hear the heart beat of God perhaps clearer at times than we do.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

We are recycled to be the best for God.

This year, in the spring, my younger daughter had a project to make something out of recyclable things. It was a little bit of a challenge, but we made several amazing items out of these recyclable goods. As I look back at her things that we took the time to make, I see how God takes things in our lives and makes them new. It is like recyclable objects, we can take them and make them into usable things. God does the same often with our lives. We come to Him with our messed up pieces in a recyclable bin, so to speak, and God takes those pieces and makes us into the image He wants us to be. God is surely good.
I do ask, as I sit and type today, that you would be praying for me as I pray for you who read this.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Which are you a bumble bee or a critter that destroys?

My daughter, Emily, was talking to me about bees, and she is so right in what she said. So I thought I would share it with you and add a little. The bumble bee pollinates the garden and allows us to have wonderful fruit and flowers. The bumble bee is like good friends who help and encourage us through life, but then we have the bugs that destroy the flowers and fruits. These critters are the people that come to try and destroy our faith or our hope. I think, that if we get around enough bumble bee friends, we can defeat the onward attacks of the critters that try to destroy our faith.
I also think that women need women, and if we stand united and encourage each other then anything can be achieved. Our words need to be like the bumble bee, not like the critters that destroy. I know it is easier said than done, but united we can be strong.
I am so blessed for the many friends that I have.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Dragons tongue.

Last year, my eldest daughter drew the head of a dragon. Well, last night, we were joking what we would like to be, and I said, a goat so that I could poke people in the bottom that I did not like and roam the wonderful hills around the world. Then I laughed and said, "How about a dragon? Yes, I could be a dragon and only use fire on those not beening nice." My daughter and I laughed, but then she added, I guess that is how it is with our words. They can be like fire from a dragon's mouth burning up people or like in some stories when a dragon is nice, they bring peace.
So my words for today are let our words send out peace and hope to all those that come our way. God wants us to glorify Him, not destroy the very people He created. I know this is easier said than done as many people are awkward. But try your best to pray for those people.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Winds may come but God remains.

Winds may come in our lives, but God stays close to us. As I am going through yet another storm in my life, I am reminded that God is there for us when we are weak. Perhaps, in the silent moment of our storm He talks. I have seen many a storm come rolling in from the North Sea. It truly crashes the rocks and can cause tremendous damage, but eventually through time and patience what was destroyed is restored, not to it's former beauty but a new beauty. So as I write this in a Storm in my life, I pray that after this storm, my life will be beautiful and to give God the glory.
Today, as I type this, I pray for all who read this, and I ask you to please say a prayer for me. And let the storm bring us more closer to God's glory.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The true artist.

Today I was thinking of the many talented friends I have Kellie Fowler who's blog is who is an amazing photographer and awesome woman.
Lea Ann who is very knowledgeable of the Bible. Pat who is loving and just a blessing to be around. Sharon who's art I have posted. Eunice who is brilliant at crafts her blog is My husband Tim who takes amazing photos. Oh and so many more. Mrs. Beck who is such a joy to be around. I keep on going on. But as I reflect on all these amazing people. There is only one true artist and that is Christ. We all have our talents and if we use them for God's glory they can bring joy to so many others. God takes our brokenness and paints an amazing picture.
So today take a moment to remember those amazing people perhaps list them and then take a moment to just think what amazing things God has done for you. He is the true artist and whatever you are going through He will finish the good work He has begun
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

New beginnings.

As the school year beginnings it makes me think of new beginnings. New friendships are being made and new chapters are been opened. This past year I have looked at some things in my life that I needed to move on from. Some I had made huge mountains others I needed to say sorry to people. So I guess this is short but think of how as your children go of to school we can perhaps take a chapter out of their books and learn to make new friends, forgive just a little more, move on just a little more and learn that every day is a new day.
We don't have to be perfect simply try. Just willing to say I am sorry willing to admit we have not got all the answers and willing to not be so perfect.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Be Brave Parents

Well, today has come, and my girls are back at school. My husband made the fantastic posters that he does each year for them, and photos were taken while Mummy held back the tears. In the next few weeks, many of us will be sending our children off to school or college, none is easy. When my oldest turned five, I wrote a poem so today I am sharing that with you as well as a new one I have written for this year. Enjoy.

"My Baby Turned Five Today"

My baby turned five today,
five fingers held up high.
"That's what I am," you proudly said.
No more singing songs or fancy dress.
No more every day a play day, just you and I.
All of a sudden, five means no time.
You're off to school.
Someone else will dictate your time.
The house will be empty without you.
And I'll be counting down the time until I see you.
But five means five hugs, five kisses as you go off to school.
In truth, you're growing up like each child has to do.
Five means more of you to cuddle.
Girl I'm proud of you.
You're braver than I ever was.
Today, you might be five.
But to me, you will always be my baby.

"Both Grown Up and Off to School, Mummy Must be Brave"

My children are now seven and thirteen.
Book packs all packed, off to second and seventh grade.
Hair all tied back.
Mummy picks out the clothes for one, the other is all grown up,
"Mummy, I'll do it myself this year."
No longer walking to the class,
It's second year in Middle School and so not cool to walk your once baby into school.
But at least, they say that I am the "cool Mum".
The other child's teacher says, "Let her walk in by herself."
Mummy has to grow up and let them find their own way.
So now, the tables are turned, and I have to be brave.
Remember girls that I will always be praying that God protects and leads you along life's way.
And always remember girls that I am so proud of both of you.
You're both braver than I ever was.
Today, you might be seven and thirteen,
But to me, you both will always be my babies.

So whether you have children or not, take the time to encourage a parent. Have a cup of tea with them. We all need each other.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Splish, Splash rainy day, take a moment to make memory today.

About, wow, now nine years ago, I wrote a poem that I thought I would share on the last day of my children's holiday.

Splish, Splash, Rainy Day

Splish, splash rainy day
Mummy, won't you come out to play?
I can't today there's work to be done.

Splish, splash rainy day.
Mummy, I'll be home tomorrow, will you play?
Oh, no. I've got a business dinner to go to.

Splish, splash rainy day.
Mummy, I'm going out with my friends today.
That's a shame. I wanted to go with you today.

Splish, splash rainy day.
There's no one here to go out and play.
Mummy has all the time of day.

If only I took the time of day.
We could have splished and splashed
In the puddles every day.

In life we get so busy. This poem applies to anything and anyone. Just take a few moments to hear what your child has to say or a friend in need. How about just listening to God? It is sad to say that we often just don't make the time each day.
Every day is new with new beginnings so make the time today and make it a happy, rainy day. Read a verse, run under a sprinkler, it doesn't matter what your age is or the age of your friends or children. We all just need to make time for each other.
So splish, splash rainy day, make a memory today.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Last days.

In April, my brother lost his wife to cancer. When my daughter was three, I think, my husband lost his Gran. Every day people die. Some are sudden and some we have warnings about. My brother has found it very hard to move on. I do not know his pain or the pain that my husband's family felt. But as I reflect on the last days before my children go back to school. I wonder how Jesus felt? He knew from early on that He came to die. I mean how sad to be honest. We all cry when we hear about someone dying, but Christ really knew for so long. Yet He kept going because He loved us that much. I cannot imagine so much love for people. In saying that, I really think what do we do for Christ? I sit here and do my blog,I go to church, I read, but He gave so much more. I used to be in drama, kids ministry and street preaching. But I felt burnt out, and I stopped.But He never stopped even when He must have been weary. No words can bring back a person, but words and kindness can save a soul. Perhaps fewer words have more impact. I mean, Christ said few words and look, here we are today. I often wish I could take back my many words. The last time I spoke to his wife, I remember, her and I talking about Christ. At my husband's Gran's funeral it was all to His glory. So my thought for the day is to let our life be for His glory. We don't know when our last day might be. I make mistakes all the time, but when it is all said and done, I want to say, "I tried to listen, I tried my best, and to Him be the glory for His grace is sufficient for me."
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Does a picture really say a thousand words?

They say that a picture says a thousand words. But does it? The drawing of my children, by looking at the it, would you know that the shirts had just been sent to us, that England was in the world cup, I believe that year, that it took quite a few photos to get that one photo, and how many more hours for Sharon, my friend, to draw it? Or the drawing of me when I was fourteen. My parents were going through difficult times, the shirt was borrowed and the necklace was too. My eyes were cross eyed, I asked the artist to make them look straight, and I hated my new short hair. How about my mother's colored tinted photo? Did you know someone paid for that picture to be colored tinted which was very popular among the wealthy in the 1930's? They also paid for the dress she was wearing and several other exspensive dresses that were bought that day. So perhaps, a picture does not tell a thousand words. Perhaps, it is only in a picture of the cross that a whole story is really told of a man who thought of only others and gave it all for us. The day I had my picture done, it was all about me. But the day the cross was nailed and a single man was placed on the cross, it was nothing about him.
So as I type this, think about where your life is. As my Pastor said today, "It is nothing about us but all about Him." My picture has changed, as I am not the fourteen year old today, but Christ's picture never changes. He offers the same today as He did on the day He went to the cross which is Hope, love, eternity and so much grace. His picture says a thousand words of Love for us. It was nothing about Him.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Moments that define us, might surprise us.

A few years ago, I went to a retreat and heard Ken Helser. He is a wonderful preacher. Here is his website if you would like to see his ministries. He is down to earth and very sweet. The other day I emailed him about my blog, and I was so blessed by his reply. That I would like to share some of it with you today.
Lisa, enjoyed your blogs...... About "defining moments". I heard my friend, John Hobbs use that term once, and it hit me... " ahhh.. a defining moment is that or those times where God engineers a circumstance, a burden, a whatever that builds to the point that I have to choose. And when I choose Him, and go His way, I find that I learn so much from those moments, that from then on I will never be the same again. It is a time of revelation, like when Jesus said:
"There is nothing is concealed that will not be disclosed, or nothing hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, speak in the light; and what is whispered in your ear, shout it from the roof tops." Matthew 10:26-27

I believe that God himself walks us into dark, deep valleys. But it is there, in the darkness, that we see light we could never see at any other time. Just the tiniest speck shows up in darkness. And, what we hear there, in the quiet darkness, in the hearing of our ears, that is what He says, "shout it from the roof tops."
In literature, the greatest defining moment was when Ebenezer Scrooge, having seen his life past, life present, and the horrible life to come , but wakes up and realizes it was a dream, a warning, and in the spirit of repentance, shouts to a lad in the street, "Merry Christmas, and go and purchase that huge turkey and take it to my employers house." What a defining moment.

I so agree with Ken. His letter really made me think. I never viewed that defining moments could be in hard times. But perhaps, if it was not for those hard times, we would not be given the chance to change. I know for myself I have by no way arrived, and all though I don't like change, I am thankful for the times I have allowed God to change me. I have found new friends for not being so judgemental, even seen myself in a different light and seen God do amazing things.
I think it is like a lighthouse. Sometimes the light is not very clear in the storm, but if we focus on the light it brings us home. Or if you are on a boat and the waves get a little rough, if you focus you can see amazing things. Like my husband and daughter did on a boat trip in Maine. They looked and saw seals and the wonderful beauty of Maine.
Just perhaps there is beauty in the storm because God defines us in that. I don't like hearing that but some how I do believe it to be true.
So today think about what Ken said and see that in life God wants us to draw closer to Him and to draw near to His shining light that will always define us. Because if we don't draw close to Him the pirates of life will get us.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Amazing Grace

"Amazing Grace" is one of my all time favorite hymns. It makes me think of how wonderfully blessed I am by God. There are other songs like "Walking on England's Green and Pleasant Lands", and my old school song where one of the lines goes like this, "We to must not be wasting lives chances as they throng." Casting Crown I believes sings how God casts our sins as far as the East is from the West, and probably many more if I sat and thought about all the songs and hymns that I love. Some songs bring back memories of places and events, others bring up a future day when I will stand before God. I know I am simply nothing without Him. I think that is why I love "Amazing Grace". I know my past, my flaws and my mistakes, but I just count it a blessing that God loves me that much. Yesterday, I thought how I had rewritten Psalm 23, you could do it with a hymn or a song, put your name in it, or close your eyes and there you are in that song. I hate heights, but I often imagine myself on top of Cadillac Mountain in Maine just arms lifted high saying, "Here I am God, this is me. Make me what you want me to be."
His grace is amazing so in whatever you do today take a moment to remember a song and sing it like it was written for you. God has obviously laid it on your heart to be special, and just remember how Amazing His grace is for you and me.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Your Psalm 23.

About a year ago, I did a wonderful Bible study. We all had to rewrite Psalm 23. This Psalm could read, "The Lord is my paint brush, and He directs my hands and leads me to paint amazing things," or "The Lord is my fabric, and in Him, He directs my stitches." It can be written today and then a year later in a different way. You could do this with a song or your favorite verse. I have found it to be an amazing thing to do.
Perhaps my Psalm today would be, "The Lord is my words. He helps me to type and send words of Hope. In Him, I find my hope, and in Him, I find my peace."
Below is what I typed in January 2008.
Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd and my Banner.
I shall not be alone.
He lifts up His banner, and I am kept safe.
In His arms, I find His loving grace.
He sees every tear that I have cried and knows my aching heart.
In Him, there is Hope.
He sees me where I am and where I am going.
He will protect me and never leave me.
He will hold up a banner against my enemies. They will have to flee.
Though I feel low, He will provide me a way out.
He will never leave me.
He will send friends, comforting words and even financial blessings into my life.
In Him, I can see a True Father's heart. He will hold me like no earthly father could.
He will be there through it all, and I will sit in His lap and say, "Thank you Daddy for loving me."
I will have to say it was one of the neatest things I have ever done. I hope it encourages you to find your own Psalm 23.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Living water can restore the rotten parts in our lives.

Yesterday, we went to pick some watermelon but a lot of them had blossom rot. Rather sad but we had fun chucking the watermelon into the compost heap. It reminded me of God. How if we come to Him he takes the rotten pieces and has pleasure in casting our sin as far as the east is from the west.
In truth I had not watered the garden for a few days. I often miss reading the Bible each day. I think as we are not around Godly people, going to church and reading God's word it causes parts of our lives to dysfunction and to end up rotten until we turn to God and allow Him to renew our lives. Living water of Hope brings such life. Like yesterday when I removed the rotten watermelon and gave the plant new hope we must do it with our lives. Turn to God rotten parts and all and allow Him to give us new life
Please enjoy a cup of tea with me today and take a moment to read a verse from the Bible. It will change your life.