A Blog to encourage everyone through life by a British woman learning to make it in the States with her family.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Keep My Dad in NC- HL7 Interface Implementation Engineer Job Needed
Keep My Dad in NC- HL7 Interface Implementation Engineer Job Needed
It is amazing how much you realize how much you are loved when all of a sudden life changes. It is true the title above should bring us all to tears two daughters trying to help find their Dad a job to keep him in the State that they live.
I find myself looking back at my life and thinking of how many times I have felt that sinking pain of having little control of my life. My parents divorce hurt my whole family and although I think for them it was the best thing for them the three children left had a very hard time.
My brothers death and his wife dying was indeed one of the saddest things I have ever gone through.
But seeing my children's heart aching to see their Dad go is beyond, it makes you realize once again life is so short and is all those arguments really truly worth it.
You cannot make someone love you nor can you take back time and change it.
But it is a sad fact when life turns on you and you cannot control it.
I have never lived through a war nor the depression but even though I have not I have through the many things I have faced felt the hurt and separation of loved ones.
If you are reading my blog and you have walked a mile or two like I have done then believe for miracles.
Because it is through a child's eyes that I believe God see's our real hearts.
Because so many of people are just holding out for a miracle
Here is hoping for yours and mine to come soon.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
TheWoodenCrosses and ImpactbyDapperchap Etsy
In life I have learnt that you have to try every avenues to get your name out there. TheWoodenCrosses on Etsy make lovely hand crafted signs that depict the whimsicality of life and embraces that a sign cannot only encourage you but transport you to a memory, place or time in your life giving us hope. ImpactbyDapperChap is also on Etsy showing the beauty around us in photographs that can be ordered on mugs and bags alike and in frames or not. Photographs allow us to be a part of a world we love or be transported to a world where memories were made.
These two business allow us to see that people press through in life not only trying to change their world but allowing others to have a part of the wonderful world in their homes.
As I have gone through life I am thankful for the quotes and photographs in my home that have encouraged me and allow me to
Dream Big.
They do two sided signs!
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Horrible Reality.
In my life I have meet many trials just like many of us. From my parents divorce which affected all three of their children to my own divorce. To seeing wonderful friends and family members struggle. I have seen churches do little to help the people that often need the help. Some do help so don't get me wrong. But the horrible reality is that often many people are forgotten. My ex husband helps many people out in his church the ones that people have forgotten given them rides and even money even when he does not have it. I have seen friends who have little call others asking how they can help. Yet so often the very people who can help are paralyzed in fear that by reaching out to another that they might be swept into that persons problems. I believe this is a lie from hell. By reaching out we often see what Jesus Christ saw and felt compassion a willingness to love when you don't feel like it and see the world through his eyes.
My heart is truly broken at this moment my ex husband could not find a job in North Carolina and is having to take one in California we have sent prayer requests out and even resumes getting no where. I myself have posted from cleaning homes to watching children and felt every time you fight it is a punch back. I feel myself it is a plight of the devil himself keeping families as far away as possible keeping them bound with little money. Yet where is the church of Christ should they not hold up those poor soldiers bleeding in the fields yet so often like a pompous Captain they ride by.
I say shame on them, our purpose on life is indeed to preach the message and to be the message of Christ but not forgetting those around us.
We should see that the devils attacks are a chance for Christians to stand behind another and help pick them up not leave them bleeding and dying.
So many hurting people around us but how many hurting people around in are own lives.
What are you going to choose to do. Just let them bleed or actually be a light or a hope.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Love or not love?
In life we all face listening to what others tell us about another person many times we end up believing it or at least pondering it over and over in our minds. In a divorce or family feud you will often find hurting people unwilling to let go off their hurt, some hold onto it to death. It is easy to fall into the trap of not loving a person once you have been hurt and hurt again. Some say that to live and love is better than living and never have loved, I believe this is true.
Through the many trials of my family and my divorce I have found that I still care and indeed love the people that I feel have often hurt me. I find it annoying at times and wished I could be like others who just end up hating their spouse that they divorced or the parent that was horrible to them. Yet through it all and even when times have come and gone and I have complained how I was treated there is this sense of caring and wanting the very best for another person.
Some may say it is insanity I say it is better to Love and still love than become bitter and old and lonely.
It is my reality that deep down I still want the best for those around me.
Life is not easy and I realize the older I get that truly divorce is actually the hardest road anyone will ever walk down. It destroys the very root of what God intended it kills families and the whispers of the devil creep in and destroy the very thing that God had created to be this unit we call family. It is a miracle when families stay together and stay fighting for the core of what Christ intended.
As my ex travels to CA for a job I find myself my heart going there too, I never realized how much I cared how much I actually wanted the best for him. It is a true statement children young and old need both parents not one more than the other but both and it is often easy not to see that when you feel that you are the hurt one.
When I sat hearing my Mum not wanting to see me on Mothers Day a part of me wanted to just sit on her lap four years old her holding me tight.
Yet in it all I say it is better to have loved than not at all.
So don't listen to the lies and don't stop loving and don't stop believing because no one wants to die alone and everyone truly needs to be loved
The Magic Wand of life.
I so often wished I had a magic wand. I hate seeing people hurt, people getting upset, people not been treated fairly and people lying. There are probably some more, but these are on the top of the list. As my girls dad sadly and I say sadly leaves to his job in C.A I wished I had a magic wand to make everything different. In England I wanted a magic wand to allow us to stay and for all of us some how someway to be a family. My mum is another I love her with all my heart but she does not always view it like that and I wished I could have a magic wand to allow her to see how much I care, for her to own her house.
It is a sad fact that the people who often try the hardest rarely get noticed. I know many people who have struggled and done amazing things with little praise and struggled financially yet loved the unlovable reached out to the lonely and made amazing differences in the people around them.
My magic wand may only live in my heart but I so believe that God see's that and He see's all the work of those people and one day He will indeed make the tables of life equal.
I don't have the answers to life but I sure have hope and a heart that sure wants to see so many people's lives changed for good.
So with your magic wand change your world even if it is just in your heart because if you change heart to love even the unlovable you have started to change the world.
Friday, April 24, 2015
It's not what you don' t have that made you... You...
I have wanted many things in my life, some legit like wanting to go home to England others as a child silly things like asking Father Christmas for a window. In truth though the window was probably a household joke as I broke one as a child. I still laugh about it today my long list to Father Christmas. In thinking of the many things I have wanted, it is not the things that I have wanted that have made me Me, rather it is often the things that I did not have that made me a better person.
I don't think it is bad to want things I sure want a full time job,I want to move to England. I do think though that sometimes we forget what we have.
A smile can brighten up a day for someone else.
A hand to help someone cross the road.
Helping someone in a store that cannot reach something.
A Hug can cheer someone up.
Saying I love you.
Drying someone's tears.
Brushing someone's hair.
Making a meal for someone
Calling and listening to someone
These things we all have compassion, Love and friendship yet many of us choose to not use them.
So in this time of my life when my world feels like it is falling apart.I am choosing to see what I have.
Even in the bad there can be some good.
When my brother died I learnt the greatest lesson that was to forgive and love.
In my divorce I learnt that I had had some wonderful memories and times from my marriage.
See even in what you think was bad there are some good.
So go out and look deep and find someone to bless.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
My blog my amazing escape. I love writing I could do this all day or work in a charity shop and raise money for an organization I believe in or work some where in Wells Next the sea my bit of Heaven. You know those times in life when you feel that everything is caving in well this is my life at the moment. My family is facing major challenges and major changes. It is so sad that the time in England is swept away with the mess of what we face. At times I close my eyes and I just hold onto every moment of the time I had in Norfolk cherishing the times I had. It is like a tsunami coming I am running with all my might exhausted holding on to the fact that God has kept me going through everything in my life yet wanting the wonderful time I had in England to be reality not just a moment in my life. I always have felt I am very black and white honesty is everything to me but a lot of people I know that is not the case. I have always tried hard to not spend much and be careful and thankful with every penny, but sometimes I sure would like to go mad and just splurge. At times it is easy to wonder has all this trying hard added up to much. I feel like just crying and crying yet it is true I hold onto a cross believing that God surely will not forget me.
A friend posted a song by Steven Curtis Chapman on my faceBook wall saying that it was my song.
I claim it for all of you that are so holding out for a miracle and my prayer truly with all my heart is that the end will be amazing for you.
I am no one special just a woman who has tried very hard against all odds and who so believes that honesty and God is everything and that one day God makes all things new and all things right.
It is not a church that makes you, many are just large buildings with few if any caring people they forget the human factor of loving and caring for people a call a hug they are caught up in the politics. Yet in my world listening loving and caring for people you don't know is what God is all about. A church should be like a warm family full of love so if you don't have that then become that yourself and lets reach out to those people just like us who need a loving caring family. God surely I know held me as my heart raced at work today I held my hand on my chest as my chest had massive pains today and I so wanted to cry so I just prayed and said to God you have to help me through all this pain. So to all of you don't let go of God just if anything hold onto God alone because I tell you sometimes that is the only person you need. I am so believing for a better tomorrow for you and me.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Norfolk Federation Women's Institute
While I was in England I went into some lovely bookstores that were in some stately homes. While at Felbrigg Hall I found a wonderful book. Norfolk Countrywomen's Year since coming back to the United States I have so loved reading it. The memories of home flood through my mind and I am transported to a world I love and miss so much. Norfolk England is like no other. It is a world where time has in parts stood still. The Women's Institute really is the very foundation of what England is about raising money to help many amazing causes. It is a group of women who soldier together to make a difference in their communities not wanting the praise but wanting to touch and change lives. As a child I remember the many Women's Institutes' bake sales and the wonderful smells from the cakes. You can find out more about them by clicking on the links below: http://www.thewi.org.uk/become-a-member/structure-of-the-wi/england/norfolk/about-us You should take the time to look into them and if you are able to join them, you should become a part of their history. Making a difference, young and old can be a part and join forces to change and help their community. I really suggest you read the book I bought I love it. It will transport you to the England I love and one day hope to return to live. The stories are true and allows you to see a small part of the wonderful Norfolk that I love and grew up in. http://www.amazon.com/Norfolk-Countrywomens-Year/dp/B001ID9D8S Enjoy.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
American Airlines lessons to be learnt from them
Greed can take over all of us and I have seen it from kids fighting over a toy to trying to get up the cooperate ladder. American Airlines and US Airways, the mega company: once a company that perhaps cared about their passengers and now many people who work for them have perhaps lost what customer service is about. When flying home to England in March 2015, the first time in eight years, after raising money through yard sales and countless people donating to our yard sales, I found that the airline I had flown on eight years ago was not the same. I asked many customers who were flying with me and since have researched that many people feel that the customer service is no more. More that passengers have to put up with it because they do not want to do a connecting flight. Over six hours of Curt staff is enough to make anyone kiss the ground at London and sit for a moment and reflect that perhaps it was all a horrible nightmare. Why are there rules of the age limit of watching PG13 movies in theaters if the airlines allow themselves to not abide by them and play them while children under that age merrily watch them on the plane as their parents fall asleep. I asked this very question only to be laughed at and told that "Surely you do not expect us to play just G-rated movies?" I wish to God they had played movies that brought laughter. With turbulence the whole way and movies that needed only to go into the bin, my flying experience was awful. Customer service has gone. On my arrival back, I talked to a supervisor that informed me that "The job of the stewards is safety, not like years ago when they can talk to you."
Yet as normal human beings, shouldn't we care about people? Has the dollar sign or whatever currency taken over our lives so much that we forget to treat others with respect?
I remember years ago flying with British Airways and Virgin Atlantic: I was treated like I was Royalty. Indeed they truly knew how to make sure that customers came back.
A smile does not cost. But in this world we live in, have we forgotten what it is like to be polite to care?
It is in moments like these that we can learn that bigger is not always better and that taking the time might not make you a millionaire but it might gain something to your life that money cannot buy like knowledge, compassion, and to learn about another person: what price can be put on that!
So although many of us out there do not appreciate how we are treated by the new mega US Airways/American Airlines, we can learn that we do not have to be like them rather we can value people and care about others around us.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Lisa K Butler on Amazon KDP
I love writing, it must be in my genes so to speak and for several years I have put my books on Amazon KDP. You do not need a Kindle to download them, just a computer and then google how to download the Kindle app for free. Over the past probably ten years I have come up with stories for my children. Many I have recorded and kept for the future either in the hopes of being published or as wonderful memories. I even inspired my younger daughter to write a book and her sister to do the pictures. We might not be in print at this moment in a bookstore. In this house we dream big and just keep dreaming.
On April 16th-April 18th Lisa K Butler's books a few of them will be free for you to download including a sneak peak at Behind the Closet Doors it is not a scary book at all, not about what we think as a child of what lurks in the closet, indeed it as about three generations and how they are trying to escape their own closet doors of life. Certainly a good read.
Other books that you can read are "And God Gave Katie Tomatoes," a book of inspiration to any child who may want to garden.
"The Cockroach and the Spider" is a book to make you see both insects in a different light that may inspire children and adults alike, to see what God has created has some good.
There are many more for you to enjoy.
So take your time read and write a review. I know you will not regret it.
Crossroads of life.
I loved going home to England in March loved most of the time I spent in my amazing home. Seeing places that I had seen as a child that had not changed. I found myself more and more wanting to go back. I sat at the airport crying not wanting to board the American Airlines plane which had brought us there. Half dreading the flight as the flight over was horrific with rude staff and turbulence all of the way yes all six plus hours.To be honest when I got of the plane I sat thanking God that we had landed and prayed to God that I did not have to deal with horrible attendants again. As I sat at the airport in London heart broken I realized somethings I was not the same woman as I was who boarded that plane a few weeks ago. Indeed I had found a part of me. Although at times on the trip I felt like there was sabotage to ruin my time in England and our dear little dog got very ill, after four plus years of raising the money I was not going to be defeated. No I realized I loved England even more loved the smallness of the villages, loved walking along the beaches loved the charity shops and not paying full price loved being around people that loved me. Perhaps in truth I found a part of me again. I was in tears for four days on my return not knowing when I would go home again. My ex lost his job and our little dog went to Heaven. It is these times that I recall more and more the wonderful hope I found in England it is like a crossroads and a deer crossing that road with the car lights glaring at it's eyes will the deer run and be hit or take a chance to live and walk slowly across the road. I choose to take a chance to live. It is in the times as a friend said those times when you are talking about something and your heart and soul and your face beam that you know that you are on the right path.
The picture by Impactbydapperchap clearly depicts the crossroad we all so often face.

Thursday, April 9, 2015
Photographs can captivate us and bring us into a world that allows us to be ourselves. I am over three thousand plus miles from England. I miss the wonderful serenity of the villages the peace that is found on walking along the beach. The family and friends that hold me dear in their hearts and captivate me to believe that I can do anything.
Impact by Dapper Chap is an amazing photographer who captures the wonderful world that I call home. His pictures show us that there is more to life, that there indeed is beauty to be found all around us. That if we look closely we can see the amazing beauty in this wonderful world. A snowdrop lifting its head to welcome spring,a sheet of ice can be transformed into a piece of art, an old side road covered in snow can lead us on an enchanting adventure. All are very real, all exist, and all can be a part of your life.
Impact by Dapper Chap is run by three generations. Their story would captivate your heart and is indeed inspiring to all who dare to believe.
Please join me and help Impact by Dapper Chap get off the ground. The amazing photographs can be found on:
All can be purchased. These are a small part of my wonderful England and I so encourage you to think where you could put these wonderful photographs in your home,office or beach house maybe you own a business. These photographs capture life in a way many of us just dream of but this is not a dream, these places exist and can be brought into your home.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Free indeed.
A friend of mine said something very life changing to me." It is the things that when we talk about them that brings a smile to our face and makes our eyes light up that we should pursue" Those things that when they come to your mind life stops and for a moment you are transported to another place. I never viewed that the things that made me smile could indeed be the very passage to change my life. Perhaps it is the impossible things that God says not impossible but possible. My trip home to England was sure impossible in so many ways it was as if every twist and turn there was something going wrong. If I look back it was a time to think for myself years ago I thought of going beyond my fears and reaching out to people who I needed to just say sorry to but others told me not to. This trip allowed me to think for myself.It is amazing the freedom and empowerment it is when you face your fears. It is embracing when a person cares enough about you that your fears to them do not matter that they just love you for you. A hand held by someone is often so not genuine but when someone holds your hand because they truly love you it is indeed a heart changing moment.
It is so true the smile on my face when I think of my trip home says it all I found me and I want to be that person. Away from the hectic life of America and back to a person I found.
We all should think what makes the smile come across our face what makes you feel you can climb a mountain and indeed what can you do to make your dream come true.
Don't let any words hold you back
I did for 22 years and I am beyond thankful that after all those years I got to be Free as the Bible says "who Christ has set free he is free indeed."
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