Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29th 2012 Women Rule

Today is the day that men realize a simple fact "Women rock." Yes, today is the day we women get to get on one knee and ask our knight in shining armor to marry us. How many of us will do this I ask? Not I. That is for sure. But if you look into the history of this Irish tradition, those who did not accept their fair maiden's hand had to buy a silk dress, gloves, or give a kiss. I agree with my friend,who would want a kiss from that man after he declined? Take the most exspensive silk dress money can buy, sell on ebay for more and enjoy the money you have made.
Although I laugh at all this, sadly many of us look to a man to provide our answers. Many women do not realize that standing together, they can acheive anything.
United we as women can be a mighty force. Let's face it, name a man who has had a child. Hmm... not one. God is an amazing knight in shining armor. One that we need to lean on.
So to all those who have had their hearts broken today, I am very sorry, and Men cough up. You owe your girl a dress. To those who have received a yes, all the best.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The roundabout of my life.

Well what a week,the weather does not know what it is doing causing me to have massive headaches. Snow one day and rain, then in the 70's and now in the 50's. The A/c on the car went out,but praise God a wonderful family has blessed us with getting it fixed. I got another rejection about a job, but told that I was very pleasant, my part time job is pushing me beyond. I appear to be person like at school that the bully wants to pick on followed by his mates. I walk out of there feeling defeated and my self confidence flushed down the toilet. My ex husband is more liked by own family than me at times it appears. Yeap I think that is it. My ex husband today is getting his hair shaved off for a very good cause to help children going through cancer.
It is some what bitter sweet I so wished Rita my sister in law could of lived. So it has brought up emotions that I don't have the time to deal with. My ex husband is thinking of allowing us to move home. This to has meant that mixed emotions have come up. I want to make a go of it here. I want to win this race. But in saying that I see clearly that things are different than perhaps I have seen them. I have a friend and she makes me think. Many Christians me once included go to church and care little about helping others. We say we will pray and pray to God that they don't talk to us about their problems. We think at times that we are above them. Little do we really realize that they are the key to help us to become more compassionate, more loving and more Christ like.
Rejection and trying and trying again is such the road for many people whether single parents or widows you feel like your on a round about it stops and you think "Praise God" but oh no it was a false stop and it starts up again.
My mum said it today so well "you just run out of energy you feel so weak because you have kept trying for so long" No one can understand that unless i guess you could look at it like a long term illness you are hoping for the best but you just get tired of fighting and pushing on.
My prayer through all of this is simple that "God help me make it through so when all is said and done I will have reached out to others like they have me".
God bless you all
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, February 24, 2012

What can you give?

I was talking to a friend today, she said that her qualifications would account for a resume not like her husband who has degrees etc his would be a C.V. I answered back as mothers are ranking and what we are is not accredited in degrees, the time spent caring and loving children, making a home, been a doctor, councilor and you name it a mother tries to do it all. No one measures that a manager views that as oh no qualifications, instead of seeing that as star qualities that can help others. It is not in a degree or paper that are worth is found rather that we can reach and soar under the wings of Christ. I have battled with self worth for years. In this economy it is a shame that many view that motherhood is such a small thing. That helping others has little value. I was told this week get a credit card, to get my a/c fixed on my car, rather than the words how can we help. Many with companies sit and pray, but what are you praying for more wealth or to be able to bless others. I was told by a friend tithe see what God will do. It is not in doing it to get something back more that is the right thing to do. We can all sit and pray but is it for our own gain.
Don't look at what you can gain more what you can give.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

One year on. 2012

Well I made it through one year since my divorce was final. Last year I went and got my hair cut. Today I looked at vintage clothes. The challenges of life are many and after years of staying home they seem overwhelming. No one called last year and no one called this year. I guess it is like after someone dies only you remember when you got that call, how you felt at that moment. I remember counting down the hours to when I could of been in court and hear those words that I was divorced. I chose not to go and I have no regrets. It has been a hard road. I never was very good at having much confidence as a child. I knew I wanted to be a fashion designer or work in the London Art galleries but then my Dad said, "You will be at school forever Lisa," and it seemed to change my heart. He never saw that I had a love for something. My brother was an amazing artist and I never remember Scott being praised for his great drawings of cartons. The last three years it appears many have given there two cents on how to survive especially in what I should be doing. I had someone ask me this week but what do you want to do. It is daunting to think after all these years what do I want to do? I would love to travel the world, buy clothes and shoes and even little handbags I never did when I was married, write a book, learn to make great meals. I would love to give back, help raise money for women fighting all sorts of cancer not just breast cancer and to help equip those families as much as possible for whatever the outcome. To help women feel that they can soar in whatever lives' circumstances. I don't want to just sit here and type dare too... you add the rest. One should never be dared rather one should ask God to send encouraging people to their lives that help to build confidence where there has been years of erosion and confidence gone and allow people to show them where they need to forgive and heal.There daring is just a word. And words come cheap. I have never just sat and cried at the rat race since 2007 nor how I truly feel about my brother's death and the fact I so want to go home.
My prayer a year on is I get to soar just a little more and that I am able to reach others and give more compassion if I do that in the year to come than I am thankful for the road I have been placed on because I have gone beyond looking at me.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Seeing beyond the trials.

What we see with our own eyes might well be different than what is going on. Have you ever looked at a flower. Many look amazingly beautiful, yet inside that flower are seeds and bugs and worms underneath many, many things keeping that flower going. The human body is an amazing example of this each part has its own blue print, it's own unique function to do amazing things. Life is often like this what appears to be one thing that is happening to us might well have many things going on behind it to make us a better person. Trials I know appear very long like going up a steep mountain it appears to many of us who hate heights that we will never reach the top and never see ground again. However the amazing views and reality that to every high mountain is that there is away down.
I encourage you whatever you are going through to be around those who encourage you that there is a road to the level grounds.
Please have a cup of tea with me toady.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


We all want to be loved. Come on there is not one human being that does not want to hear those words that they are loved and I love you.
But in wanting that we so often miss what love can be.
Love is reaching out to others when you don't want to.
Learn that you are alright and that you are wonderfully made and have so much to give the world.
Perhaps love is not found in a chocolate box or flowers or card, it is more in a heart that gives and wants the best.
It is simply listening and knowing through it all Christ does love us.
I might not have roses on my table tonight nor a box of chocolates.
But I do know that my valentine and mine to you is that you are loved and are special.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Me,me,me syndrome.

In a world where it is all about "ME,ME and yes more ME" how many of us reach out beyond that syndrome. I know years ago when I first lived in America I so saw these big houses and viewed all what I could have, not what I could give. I don't think I was selfish but i certainly had a narrow vision. I thought I would always go back to England every two years. In fact I thought it was just how life would be. I thought spending a certain amount at the groceries store was what would always be there. Now I never spent much money on myself. Indeed if you look in my cupboard to this day most clothes and shoes were given to me.But I see clearly it is in giving not always in money that the rewards are huge. I don't have much, but I try to reach out in whatever way I can to help others.I see that the Me, Me syndrome was simply a destructive path and although I never made a million I am sorry that I did not help others back then.
I ask you the same question I have asked myself. How can you help others?
Let me tell you. You can make a difference.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

God hear our prayers.

I sure get weary don't you at times? I often say "God pick me up in your arms, hold me there and direct my paths, don't forget me God, I am trying with all I've got"
I am sure all of us have said something similar at times.
I encourage you all at the times when life is going good not to forget those hard times and reach out to those who still are facing lives challenges. If one thing I have learnt from going through several deaths, is that I have more compassion and for that I am thankful. Just wished it had been another way, that I learnt that lesson. So today as you go to church or pray or have fun please reach out.
It is easy to forget how many people need a kind word, a job, a roof over their heads, food and just love.
Don't let an opportunity pass you by to bless someone.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Be encouraged

Well this week I learnt some more about cars.It's amazing what goes into one that is for sure. Life sure can be very stressful to say the least. But little blessings do come along and they sure help us to hold on. I was looking at old photos from school today and I saw a picture of my old art teacher she was such a blessing. I love art to this day because how she made us truly think and just go beyond ourselves. She encouraged us that we could draw and to see the beauty of what we put down on a piece of paper. We were the first class to do art history and I loved it.
I encourage you this week, to think of a person who has encouraged you focus on those words and thoughts not the negatives ones that so often surround us.
Have a wonderful weekend
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A new door to who you are.

A friend of mine remembered that when I was at school I used to draw. I loved it. My Godmother who was my neighbor would say that if you did not draw every day you were not a very dedicated artist. I use to take her words to heart all those years ago. Now I see the pictures in my mind of the times I spent with her making jam,cleaning ponds and making dried flower cards. It is a part of my childhood I would not trade.
So to embrace a part of me i have drawn some pictures.
I use to design a lot I can look at material and things and in my mind I design things. I remember going to London with my brother he went one place I went another and I ended up going into Liberty's oh all those wonderful fabrics to me it was like I had won the crown jewels each called my name. But it is a part of me that I rarely let many people see. It was my dream and one I always say was yesterday.
In drawing the pictures I did feel that drawing will always be a part of me, it is just a different part of me that draws today. One can never close the door on things that have brought you so much love and in that I encourage you don't let others close those doors to who you are.
Please have a cup of tea with me today