A Blog to encourage everyone through life by a British woman learning to make it in the States with her family.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Let us not forget the Christ in Christmas.
Christmas is sometimes over shadowed by the shopping, the wanting of more, and Santa Claus. With Christmas tomorrow, let us all remember the real meaning for Christmas. About Christ's love for us.
Merry Christmas.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
I never it gave it much thought about today hey it's Wednesday. But now I am thinking about it I wished I had run up 12 flights of stairs, made 12 cookies, sung 12 songs and many other 12 things.
It is true we will never see 12.12.12 again. Even if you did not do something amazing today think of what you would of done today. Perhaps I would of encouraged 12 people and sung 12 carols at 12 doors. Walked around the garden 12 times. Perhaps in 12.12.12 and me not remembering it I see how important life is to take a moment to remembering the little things. Just a smile a hug when one is down. I wished I had learnt early in my life it is the little things that count. So to all of you Happy 12.12.12 and remember it's the little things that count. After all Christ came as a little baby and look what great things He did.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Friday, November 30, 2012
A step of Honesty.
I have heard that saying a little white lie won't
hurt? Well let's be honest here a lie is a lie and it destroys people. I sat in a room one time with someone and they said that honesty was overrated. The problem is with that statement is that lying has become the norm and lying accepted by society. It's not always easy telling the truth, especially to family, standing up to them may come at some consequences and that is very scary for many. Honesty makes you able to live freely instead of covering up a lie with another lie and the mess grows and grows.
If you look at people who lie they do not look happy it is as if they are carrying a huge weighted bag on their shoulders and indeed they are, they carry guilt and pride in that bag. It is pride that keeps us from been honest, pride that tells us that it is alright to lie.
Be brave and be honest. A white lie is like poop on the ground in the snow it discolors the truth and is not pretty. Honesty, breeds integrity and gives peace to a person.
Take a step of honesty this coming Christmas and new year and see how lighter your load will be.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The Past
As I type this I think of Charles Dickens and A Christmas Carol.
At Christmas time we often look back at Christmas past. The issue is with that if we look hard enough we will find the good the bad and the ugly. Like Pantomime at Christmas there is the good sister and wait for it the two ugly ones.Also as we look it is almost like the ghost of Christmas past walks into the room. Often in life many people want to keep us captive in our past like a time capsule wanting us to pay the price, the truth none of us can pay the price none of us will ever, because those people who try to hold us there want something we cannot give them. If they are honest they want revenge and by reminding us of the past they think they hold us there. But Jesus Christ paid it all. He did forgive us. As I sat the other days in tears finding it hard to remember some good from my past a woman told me again how Christ loved me and that forgiveness was everything. I have said it over and over again this week. I forgive. Hurting people often hurt others. Don't let your past ruin your Christmas this year, but let your past be buried and you live a new life,
like Scrooge did and like the end of the Panto, Cinderella wins her Prince. You be the better one forgive, restore and Live.
Then your Hope is restored and I believe a brighter future awaits us.
Pleas have a cup of tea with me today.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
I wonder perhaps there are Angels among us.
This week has been a tough week. But I have been so blessed a lady came to my line she spoke of France and the markets. I was pulled in by her talking to me. Oh I so wanted to get her name to go to France with her. At the end of the conversation I asked her if she was a Christian and I prayed that she would get well, as she said she was sick. She smiled back and said "oh God Bless my sister". I felt it was so little if she was that ill that she had to come to the states. But I wanted her to stay there. But in minutes she was gone. A man came by latter that day commenting how pretty my hair was. "It's long" I said but he was so sincere. Many come through my line where I currently work telling me there stories, perhaps years ago I would not of cared, but today I listen wanting to give them something back to cheer there day. In my littleness perhaps my smile can help them. I read an article about Walmart and how many are struggling there financially, I stared to cry, it is so tough now a days. Yet once I would of judged but now I see that in life we all need each other.
I wonder perhaps there are Angels among us helping us to see that life is not just about us,
it's about giving even a smile something to another human being.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Election USA 2012
As I sadly looked at people's comments on facebook and such media, I was upset at how low we have come as human beings. People criticizing other's purposely pulling another down for self gain. Twisting the truth and yet smiling like nothing was wrong and that this behavior was fine. Yet in a school system even a preschool or a day care center, this behavior would mean a visit to the principal's office and parents called. Yet we allow people in office to spend mega amounts of money to do this without blinking an eye and saying that this is the norm. On the contrary, you are telling the young that it is alright to lie, alright to spend masses amounts of money. While others go hungry and in the face of a Hurricane Sandy, bus people in to get their votes; yet that night, they might well go home hungry or to no lights. But they voted. Hope it all makes us feel proud.
It sure does not me.
If anything it says how low we as humans have come.
Be for real. Let us the minority, stand up and teach our children values in the hope that one day a fair game is played in the real world of Government.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Listening Ears,open heart.
I will have to say that I am not necessarily the best listener. But the older I get the more I try to listen more. My mum has not been well and with all my heart I wished I could go down the phone and be with her. One day she said "Lisa oh please don't go I don't want you to go." and then another "I'm a bit nervous about going down the town". Instead of having an answer I just listened.
At work someone started joking with me but I internalized everything they joked about, so I talked to this person, they shared a bit about their life. Instead of me feeling hurt, how I was treated, which they apologized for, I said how sorry I was for what they had gone through in their life.
Sometimes when I talk to people or write a letter it often feels like they just ignore what my heart is saying, but I so often do that. The phrase "Walking in another persons shoes" is often very hard, but if we listen and not give answers sometimes we can often feel and hear another persons cry. My mum just wanted someone to tell her that she would be alright.
Listen it's not easy but we all need each other.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Grace Today.
The last few weeks, my mum has not been very well. It has been a pull of the heart, seeing if she is getting help and knowing that I cannot go home. One thing I know is that grace surely needs to be given to all of us. It is so easy to make harsh comments that a person should be in a home or judge someone else I often do this. But with my mum I appear to have lots of grace. Maybe it is a lesson for me to love others like I do her. I think if there was more grace the world would be a better place.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Monday, October 15, 2012
I use to be told "why do you call yourself Mum that is a flower?" Yes indeed in America but not in England. Mum to me is a endearing word. My mum has not been perfect indeed she has had her faults throughout the years, but come on who hasn't. I have some
how learnt through God's grace to ignore things and focus on the good. It at times has not been easy. But my love for my mum is huge. It is like an ocean and although I am miles away. My heart cares so much for her. Mums carry a lot some our single parents balancing a job and home and every burden under the sun along with the pressure of their own lives. Yet still they carry on for the love of their children. Mums often need us in life as they grow old. It is knowing that they are not a burden and that even in their old age that you will not farm them off to a home or turn your back. I am not saying for some this is easy but I am saying better to keep on trying than stand at a funeral doing in your mind what is right. Anyone can stand at a funeral but it takes courage to help someone when you know in your mind they don't deserve it. Let's face it none of us deserve grace but Christ showed us. So if you can find it in yourself show some grace to your mum it will mean the world.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Love you Mum
Sunday, October 7, 2012
I have often cried a tear or two for my brother, even missing England and for my marriage. But today I heard a sermon which made me thinking perhaps in true grieving perhaps in seeing my part and crying over what i had done, this was my door to find happiness.I am sure we all can look back and say we could all of done things better we often in life say that, but never truly come to grips with grieving and crying for things we did wrong. I think once we do that we have to daily tell ourselves I laid this down at Jesus's feet and I am forgiven. In that I believe God meets us and brings us to a better place where He holds us tight and says to us Well done I am going to help you now.
So what will you do. I use to say I was hurt and I mourned and I said sorry a million times for what I thought I did but I never came to grips in seeing it how Christ did to cry like I did the day my brother died. The choice is yours.
Not easy, but oh so much better than crying alone.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Churches lack to reach the divorced community.
It amazes me in a county where there are churches on every corner, that in my view they do little to reach the divorced community. I have seen divorced care groups and some even have get together and Bible studies.I have seen one where they mentor to boys from divorced families. But where is the mentoring for those who struggle with coming to terms with that loss in their lives or just taking those people out and hearing their story so that can feel that they are not alone? Where are the groups for the girls to let them know that there are still knights in shinning armor and that they are still beautiful? Who is there on Christmas or Thanksgiving when your children are at the other parent's who is there when night terrors come and sleepless nights of not knowing how to pay the bills or just wondering where your life is going? I started a group on facebook about two years ago with the hope that one day I would approach companies to sponsor a retreat where these families could feel just for a day that those burdens would be lifted off their shoulders.
But surely I cannot be the only person who see's a dying need to meet these people. I have seen the loneliness in men, women and children from a divorce, crippling and sad it touches me to the bone. Where are the churches where are the people to help???
Don't get me wrong I have been blessed to have a lot of help, but at times it has been a huge burden to walk by myself. There are churches doing somethings. But many people slip through the gap and these people often become lost and depressed. Sadly not enough is being done.
If you are feeling lost please join forces and reach out to others. Perhaps together we can do something I hope so.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
We need each other
As a divorced woman I find it very hard to think that I will ever remarry. Perhaps many others feel the same. I have also found it hard not to give up caring for a person that I was married to for eighteen years.
But a few things I have learnt down this road is that bitterness only causes more aching and a broken heart, forgiveness in time heals you. Asking for help is not a crime, judging others is. Been you is the best, thing you can give yourself and give yourself a break every now and again. Bills will always be there but you don't always have to have a new pair of shoes go to a secondhand place and you get two for the price you would pay for not even one. Been sent gifts from home is not you been a burden it is someone caring for you. Hugs are from Heaven and dancing in the rain brightens the soul. Taking time to sit down is alright the housework will always be there but your time to take a few minutes to breath is valuable to you making it through another day.
So there are a few things I have learnt. I hope it helps you in whatever you are going through. Each of us need each other and each of our roads are very different,
but one lesson for sure is that we need each other. And I am thankful that you are on this road with me.
Please have a cup of tea with me.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Fly high brother
My brother died two years ago today. So for him I am posting a picture of a plane. My brother always wanted to be a pilot and he loved flying. He always said he would fly me to Paris one day.So for all who have lost someone close I pray that they are flying high.
Miss you Scott
Love Lee
Saturday, September 1, 2012
In our silence we can find peace.
It will be 2 years on Tuesday since my brother died. I still remember how I cried, how I ached down to my very soul. How at times I still ache. But in the silence of life... I stop to cherish moments about my brother and understand that in the silence we can find peace. When I was handed divorce papers I remember my heart sinking my soul breaking... yet in the silence I felt God standing there. When I have been through hard times if I just stop and cast my aching heart out to God... then I find peace.Like walking along a beach in a storm even in the storm you can find a peace that you are not alone.
So stop and listen in your storm there is one much bigger to carry you and He can give you peace.
Thank you God for being with me through my many storms and aching moments.
Please have a cup of tea with me.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Count your blessings 2012
Life has it's many twists and turns and the older I get the more I realize that sometimes to just listen to an older person can sure give you some wisdom and it truly blesses them. I love listening to my mum's stories of her childhood and listen to her talk, it makes me feel a part of her past. The other day I was on about money, she added "some days Lisa I have nothing but two pennies in my purse, but I am happy, sure I would like to win the lottery but I am happy.What is it to work your whole life and never been happy". I love her I wish to God I could see her. If I had a fairy wand that is where I would go. I took so much for granted going home every two years. Never did I think that there would be a time when I could not get to see her. She is amazing, sure she has her faults. But to me through it all I see a woman who has been through so much. Maybe others see her in a different light. Sometimes it is good just to stop and see what you really have. The other day I was in a preschool and looked at the children and parents coming in and I was so thankful that I got to stay home, at the time I just took it for granted but as I watched those little children I thought of how blessed I truly was.How many of us go through life not realizing how blessed we are until it is gone or that person is gone.
We hold a grudge, were fearful of saying sorry or been hurt again.
Perhaps if we saw the world through a child's eyes, and forgave more quickly life would be more blessed.
Just a thought
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Single parenting not for the weak at heart.
Next week I start a new job working 30 hours and hopefully I get to work at my old job every other Saturday as I loved the customers. Single parenting in my eyes is not for the weak at heart. I loved been around my children all the time. I think that has been the hardest thing, you balance reality of money and you have to put to the side your own desires. Many work full time and that might be their choice or not. But when everything stops at you it is a tough road. From what will be cooked, to missing your family in England, to toilets blocked and siblings bickering, it falls on the single parent. Weighing up what is more important shoes for yourself or shoes for your child. Listening to every noise from the A/C unit,fridge and car and praying to God that it does not break, as there is simply no money to fix it and praying to God that some how one day your make home with your children to see your mum before something happens. It's a tough and Christmas is worse and not knowing when I will go home is a tough one. I have had many advice and many people say what others have had to do. But the reality is, is we are all different, each child accepts or does not accept divorce in their own way. Truth be known I wished I had parents to go home to. Some fall back and live with their families, I did not have that option and I will have to say, the longing for a family over here is great.
But there has been many a moment when dancing in the rain and laughing at life makes all the heavy burdens just a little lighter. Throwing flour on the floor and drawing pictures in it.
Who would guess little me, would find pleasure in such things.
Life does not always hand us blessings, but it is in seeing beyond that, that we find them.
So if you are a single parent or even if your not. Look and see your blessings in what sometimes you think are not.
Because I have looked and I have found that I am blessed through many trials.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The Grocery store, lesson.
As a child I use to visit this small grocery store, this owner every time you said you wanted an item she would say Thank you, Thank you very much. In my world she became the Thank you, Thank you very much lady.
I have worked in a super market for the past two years plus. I use to go there with my hair up and blue ribbon in my hair, that went after a few months. At times I grumbled and complained and even felt ill treated when my hours were cut for no reason. But i decided to see beyond the cash register. See items per minutes count it is everything and memorizing numbers of fruits and veggies means all to profits. But in my world I saw the customers as an opportunity to reach out and make their day better. Making children laugh or help me with getting their food through the line, making sure that older people received a few minutes to listen to their heart. A hug to a person who had lost their wife seemed in my world to make my problems so little. It has been a place where I decided to leave for the most part, my issues behind and become like the Thank you, Thank you very much lady.I wanted to make someone smile. I wanted to be the one that someone knew I would give my best.Maybe no one saw that, I was so blessed in many ways at my supermarket job, I got no praise from management no award on a wall,no hey we wished you could stay or promotion. But I did it because in this world when everyone does something for ME ME ME I wanted to do something for someone else. I wished all those who have come through my line could know sincerely how many have blessed me. From the hugs, the laughs and high five's from the children, I have been blessed.
A man calls me Lady Lisa of Tryon Village means nothing to anyone but everything to me. See life is not always about us. Even in a supermarket God can do amazing things. He certainly did with me.I am a better person from the love I tried to give out to others and the smiles and love that often was so freely given. From a woman writing we miss you already to a mother saying we will miss you to a hug of a child,to the man that when I found out he had lost his wife my heart broke, you see in my broken world they have given me hope and as I type this I am a little scared that without them will my world be broken again. I hope not because they made me believe in me.
Look and see what amazing things can happen to you if you just look with eyes wide open.
Please have a cup of tea with me.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Lessons in Grief.
Life is very short. A friend of mine has just lost her son. I will have to say I hate death. There is this empty feeling left and a hope in your mind that,
you will see them again. But your heart is sunk and few around seem to know what to say. In death life can come. I have way more compassion since my brother died and as I say, I am thankful for that just wished I had learnt it another way. But death comes in my ways doesn't it. I work now and I use to stay at home, it has been a hard road and one I still hate. The best job I have ever had is been with my children. I probably took it for granted though. I never wanted to be divorced yet another death and here I am. I miss my mum and my amazing friends back home, yet another death. Yet in it all. I see that God has changed me. I wished it had been another way, I do with all my heart. But I have meet some amazing people, got to pray and hug some people that years ago I would of walked the other way from.
So in death what have I learnt. That it is seeing beyond your tears and seeing how God can use your deepest pain, to bring comfort to another.
And for that I am thankful.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Beauty is more than we think.
I love drawing but beauty is in the eyes that can see beyond have you been watching the Olympics? I have, many have not one a gold medal. To me the beauty is in the person who keeps on trying the man with no real legs who runs a race and keeps on going. The woman who runs for her country and has no medal in her hands to go home with but
keeps going.
It is in moments in our own lives when a child stops and see's the magic of splashing in a puddle or drawing with chalk on a path. A child hugging another child and saying it is alright.
Beauty is in a cob web, it is in the hardships of life and still a mother or father keep going. It is in running the race and keep on going when others all around seem to have won gold and you have nothing. Yet you keep on going. A teenager or a child doing what's right while others seem to have fun. A single parent or widow or older person offering food to another when they do not know where their food is coming from.
It is in many moments that I have walked that their is beauty.
So don't be deceived there is beauty all around you just have to believe.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Gold for the poor .... Olympics 2012
As i sit in aw at many of the talented athletes I have to say at what price did that come. Many families sacrificing time and money. Some from countries which are very poor. The sacrifice for the mom now working two jobs for the training to see her son or daughter now in the Olympics game. Then lets hit the tax payer you and me, our families and parents many of us watch every penny that we spend, many have no pennies to spend we wait for that pay check to come to buy food. Such is the life for many pensioner. So when Olympics 2012 is done who will help make sure that the normal person does not have to go without, even more, the price of gold comes at a price. Let's hope for many there is a balance and not just those receiving Gold on a platform, benefit from Olympics 2012 and the many other Olympics games to come.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
London the world is watching you.
Wow and wow we Brits know how to have a laugh and put on a show. That show being the opening ceremony to the London 2012 Olympics summer games. I watched the show as my England performed. I loved Mr. Bean and the children dancing on the beds, wow the NHS staff rocks with their dancing skills and the young lady who danced Jasmine Breinburg was brilliant. Although the production was brilliant I will have to ask wow how much did that cost? The question my friend and I have is what does that all have to do with sports and one has to ask when all this is said and done what will be the end cost and how many jobs will come to the UK because of the Olympics? I know the economy is bad so I question when the pomp and ceremony is over will there be new jobs to put food on the table for the Brits out of work and will the old age pensioner get any more money? Is the flame just for the few chosen and not for those who really carry a flame in the fact that each day many try to make ends meet. Yes London the world in watching not just the Olympics but many are watching to see if your flame will put more money in their mothers pockets as she struggles to make ends meet.
Yes London I am watching you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Think before you pray!!
In the last few years I have thought many times that I prayed. But I wonder today did I? We ask God to help and then walk away. We say prayers like they are water gushing out of a tap. But where is the life in those prayers? What does your life say about who you are?Is it in a prayer to get praise from others? The Pharisees in Jesus's time said many prayers but they did not see that, that was all they did there was no evidence of life in them. They thought they were better than anyone else. I don't believe I am any better than anyone else. But I do think I have often not listened to God. When my brother died it was a very tough time. Today I see that God has shown me so much in his death and though I miss Scott, I am so blessed by the things I have learnt. Compassion, just to listen and just to know that sometimes a few words are all what people are looking for.
Hope community church in Raleigh has an amazing Pastor Mike Lee if you have a little time take the time to listen to the sermons on prayer it might well may you think that when you pray you are not so alone.
So think not just before you speak but before you pray.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
My sister
Sisters you love them and hate them maybe allin the same day. My sister is seven years older than me, my brother was in between us and through it all,I love her. Her and I shared a room, made Christmas decorations and sang yes, Barry Manilow songs together. We went to the same schools and she liked many things that I did not. But through life's ups and downs I am thankful that I have her. When my brother died I felt it was just me and her. My world,became so much closer to her, even though I am 3000 miles from her my heart was with her.
I am thankful for the many memories and thankful that through it all. I have her.
I ask that you take a moment to think of the good in your family and be thankful for them.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Go for gold this summer and give.
As the Olympics in London fast approaches and I am sad to not be there. I ask you all who read this what will your gold be this year? Will it be making more money, buying a bigger house or what? Gold is not always seen in a medal it is seen in the many hours it has taken to achieve that place where a person can compete for a chance to represent their country. Sacrificing time, pleasures and much more to do something they believe. As I sit here head pounding and teeth aching wanting to be home in London this summer I ask myself that question what is my gold that I would want. My mother has hardly anything, so my gold would be to see her with food on the table,bills paid. To see many single mum's have a break, pressure taken off their shoulders. If I had a medal to give it would be them.The many children who have gone through sad times losing relatives or through divorce.
Sacrifice to many is a daily thing and to others is never thought about.
What is the medal you are wearing one of greed or one of sacrifice?
Go for Gold this summer and give to others and see what a winner you will be.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Plight of a single Mum...Career day...in your forties.
The trials of been a single mum are numerous. Finding a job is one of these. I have stood stammering over words to try and make cleaning up sick, making beds and helping with maths homework sound like I have been a nurse/doctor, housekeeper and account to name just a few with employee's looking back at me asking me what is that you want to apply for!!!! Hmmm a question i often wonder myself. It is as if one is back at school listening to a career talk tuning it all out and saying to yourself it will be ages before I leave school yet here you are in your forties doing the same.
Let me encourage you that been a mum for many years has value and it's ok to take your time to find your way again. The issue is many of us don't have time. My advice is pray..I often forget that but it is true some how I believe that is all God wants us to do to show us an open door.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
And single Mum don't give up your wonderful just the way you are.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
The plight of my single mumhood ... No you cannot leave the country with your children... AHHH
I have decided for a little while at least to write about some of my plights of been a single mum in America.
I sat across the table from a woman who clearly told me "you cannot leave the USA with your children, unless your ex agrees to it, and he has to live close enough to see them." My heart sank, I came back to the States so that my ex's parents could be involved with our children, well that did not happen. They live six hours from us. Now my 3,000 miles seamed even more. I sat saying how unfair that was and then walked out in tears. That was over two years ago. Since then I have cried many a tear missing home. But as they say "there is no good in crying over spilt milk". I wished there was a magic wand and I could see my mum. So we brought a skype camera and got to see my niece and sister in London at least, my mum still thinks skype is a fish... poor mum.
What did I take from that day when this very official nice lady told me that I could not go home with my now family of three oh must not forget the two four legged friends. Well I learnt that I have tell myself that I am going to live in England again it's just not for now. That I have to study and make away that I can at least fly home one day.That's not been easy... but that's another post. Also I have been quite naive about a lot of things. It's a tough road and you have to brace yourself for it.Like walking in a storm.
So yes I am here but like many birds who fly south for winter I am building up my strength to fly home one day. This old bird is not to old to learn.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Plight of single parenting.
The plight of the single mother is often over looked and brushed aside by society as if a plague had hit that family. In truth that family feels like a plague has. You try to see the good in things as bills pile up. You read face book messages of families having fun and you wish that your day in the sun would come. You try your best to keep up beat and friends and families seam to think it is like a cold you will get over it... or at least we hope. They give advice and you think.... well you try it. It is indeed a lonely road. I look at married couples on the telly in such a different way now. Thinking it is just for a few. It is true life is never the same again. You have to pick yourself up and keep on trying. The problems pile and you feel like a fish out of water. The children feel even worse been told what to do by both parents and just hoping to God that their eighteenth Birthday will come sooner than latter. The parent hopes in a dream world that a knight will come rescue them but God forbid could that make it worse.
It is true I have seen many a thing in the past few years. I have tried with every ounce of breath in me to not be bitter. I may grumble and complain but I pick myself up and say no I will not be bitter. But for some it is the road of satisfaction like flies round a dead animal.
My hope is that others reach out beyond their bubble help single mum's it is hard enough been married, reach out to the kids reach out and make a difference be a support. To those holding onto bitterness it will kill you my friend. Let go and be healed and find peace you never know you might find a better you in it all.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Fathers Day 2012
I have seen many a fathers day come and go. Some I have cried through others I just look at the sky and say Happy Fathers day Dad and say thank you God that you are my loving my father. My dad did his best and I always look back remembering the good and try my best not to look at the bad. Today I did the same looked at the good in my children's dad and thanked God that today had been a nice day.I hold onto the good memories and smile that for today we sat all together. Miracle in itself no one arguing.
Each one of has made many a mistake. But it is in knowing that we can go to a Heavenly Father that is quick to forgive us. We may walk along road because of those choices in our lives but God is always there. There is no better dad.
So thank you to the many dad's who are supportive and encouraging of their children and families, but above all that Thank you God for always been the best dad a Girl could ever have.
It is like looking at a glass and seeing it only half full,
I suggest if you look and see the good God will do the rest to heal your heart and your glass is full in Him.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, June 4, 2012
God Save our Queen.
Last night as I reflected on the Queen going down the Thames I thought of the song Row, row,row your boat gently down the stream merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream.
Perhaps to the Queen it was like her life had been a dream, time seams to go by so fast. Her love for her people ever strong as the day she became Queen. Today we saw fireworks and tributes played in music and song to a woman who has served a country for so long. Life in truth has not always been merry. She has seen war and seen her country rebuild itself after such tragedy.yet through all she stands a woman like no other. I spoke to people today some seamed so distant from the reality of what a mark in history this is to have a monarch on the throne for sixty years. I thought how ignorant people are. Then with pride I thought well I am British and God save our Queen. As these days pass don't miss the chance to see history,
where ever you are in the world. This is my England and you may never understand but embrace this moment because there will never be a time like this again.
So dear Queen I hope you with pride did have a merry ride down the river Thames, I hope it brought memories of joy and how much we love you.
God save our Queen.

Sunday, June 3, 2012
The Thames celebrates sixty years of the Queens reign.
My mum has seen the Queen come to the throne, we both celebrated the silver Jubilee, I was in London and went to Hyde Park to celebrate the golden Jubilee and today I watched with my children as we celebrated the Diamond Jubilee. My mum like the Queen has been a mother and now a grandmother through the sixty years reign. One thing is for sure none of will ever see a monarch on the throne for sixty years again in our life time.
I love the Thames River to me it is a place like no other. Something about it says I am home. As I watched the flotilla of boats go down the Thames with the Queen's wonderful boat I had to feel pride that I was British. It might of rained and I might not of been there. But I watched with Pride to think that I was watching history and that this was my Queen. I have gone down the Thames before I love it. But to see such splendor and such pride in people to come out and just be a part of the celebrations just hits home to me. This is my Queen, my England and this is what we do best,
we celebrate with pride a Queen who has served us through many trying times. So please if you haven't taken a moment to watch all the celebrations in England I would it's history in the making and you and I will never see such a time like this again.
God Save our Gracious Queen.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Reach out to others.
I was so blessed today. I had somethings repaired around my house. The grass was cut and the windows cleaned. I have gone to church for many years now and the older I get the more I see that churches all have different things to give. Some have great children's ministries and others have great sermons been preached. At the end of the day though I do believe we need to reach out and help many hurting people and people in need perhaps is someone outside the church or even a person you sit next to. So easy to go to church and just sing songs but how many leave with an aching heart and an empty home to return to
. We often forget when we are going through good times how we can help others. I know I never really thought of helping others out. But it is the sense of community and family that we feel for once in life a place to belong.
So don't just sit in the pews but look beyond and like me see how you can help others.
And don't let someone to go through something when you can help
Please have a cup of tea with me.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Be encouraged.
Well it has been a long week and I will have to say I am exhausted. With studying, working, yard sales and cutting grass I am exhausted. I think it is probably the way it is for many single families. As I sit here typing I am reminded of how blessed I am I have often looked out of the window and seen bunnies playing in my yard and enjoyed the simple pleasures of life. I use to love the countryside as a child and today I am reminded of the many reasons why I loved it.
Lots of people I know are headed to England this summer and my heart yearns to see my family and see my home land. But I do know that a day will come when I get to go home. I am so blessed in many ways to type on this blog and to be around many people who have loved and embraced my family I am blessed.
I encourage you whatever is going on find something you can be thankful for and focus on that.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Be postive
I have had much advice given me over my life and over the last few years. But none has been so wrong as been told to think of the worst thing that could happen to dwell on that and then it will not happen. The Bible says.
Philippians 4:8-9
New International Version (NIV)
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Many times this is hard. But to dwell on negative thoughts only hurts yourself it pulls you down and traps you into a place of loneliness.
So today I encourage you to think on good thinks. Be around people who see the good in you and your life.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Don't sweat the small stuff.
Not been bitter is not always easy and taking things as a personal attack on yourself is way to easy to do. In life there is a simple rule don't sweat the small stuff often easy to say hard to do. But if I take my own life to many times do I get stuck in listening to the nasty comments I have heard all my life instead of focusing on the good that people have done.
I suggest that this weekend you don't sweat the small stuff and focus on the good it sure makes you feel better.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
God will not let go of you single mum.
Single mothers face so many challenges. Many women who become single mothers have stayed home. Working long hours to make sure that their children are fed and clothed and that a house runs smoothly. May sound 1950 ish but to many of us we loved it. We played a number of roles from cheer leader to nurse to home budgeter, we have done it all. But then comes that day when you are no longer married and you have the house payment, grocery shopping and sorting out everyone's emotions including your own. It is a time when there is no time to be yourself, and yet you have to get on your feet fast and face a new day. Dreams are shattered and life happens for me my sister in law and brother died all within less than two years. It is a road full of many valleys and many blessings at times. You feel comfort in a smile or someone sharing that they have walked down your road and cried tears too. You see children who have survived and in your heart you cry out to an almighty God "Don't let go of me".You feel so alone and in crying out there is a single hope that He alone will help you through the journey.
It is a lamenting of the soul. It is a cry I would imagine every human being makes at times in their lives.
I will have to say in the valleys don't stop crying out. We all need people and it is in crying a many a tear I believe that we find hope.
So to all single mum's I have a few words to say.
You are amazing and God will not let you go.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Single mum's
This weekend is mothers day in America and as in many parts of the world. The single mum and widow face a tough day. How many families will go to church or go out to dinner and rightfully so but the single mum often faces a pizza or a lonely room. Her days are covered with wondering how bills will be paid and working through decisions that once she did not carry alone. I never understood how hard it was. I spoke to a woman I knew years ago and she too expressed the hard road it was. In America the road I think is exceptionally hard no free medical and public transport is none exsistant in many a place. It is like you feel like you cry out for charity. You sit on the side of the road crying and yet in those tears their can be tears of healing. A fork in a road is only that it is a place where a person can move on with memories and wisdom or stay and move on looking and feeling bitter and in that decision they lose the chance of a better future.
Single mum's face a road like no other it is a road of tears and hardship and then at other times sheer joy that at least you tried your best. When the world seems so against you it is there in that moment you keep fighting just a little longer with the hope that another will come that will be brighter.
I wished I had offered to help more cry more or listen more to the single mum or widow and with everything in me I am so sorry I never did. But that been said we all can make a difference if you know a single mum reach out to her help her cut the grass. Let her cry on your shoulder, take her out, buy groceries and as you do as she blossoms and grows you too will change and see that life is not always roses and that a single mum is just a woman that needs a little help to be on a new road.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Car issue....escapes
Car issues seam never ending. I often wonder what it would be like to own a band new car. My brother was blessed to have a brand new car several times in his life. I have often made up stories about a donkey called Fred and how it transports a family around. As a child I always wanted a donkey. I think it sure has it's advantages. I think in that tranquil moment when I escape into my stories there along the West Runton shores in England I find me. It is a simple life, not much happens there and life is pretty care free. Perhaps one day I will live that dream I hope so. So if you are facing car issues or such today perhaps it would help you to make up stories. It has helped me many times to just find me.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Help each other through the hard times
It's been a hard road these past now five years and often at times I wonder how I will get through it. I have cried many a tear and had many an aching heart. But in those times i do know that some how some way God will help me through it. When my brother died I meet a wonderful woman she was like a mother type and she helped me through my brothers death. I felt like her loss many years ago helped me to see hope. As I face another battle it appears I hope God sends someone to hold me through this one.
We all need someone none of us can make it alone.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 NIV
This verse is true. Often I forget to be thankful. I took a lot for granted and for that I am sorry.
I encourage you to to look around in your churches where ever and see if someone could do with a little help and support. You will never know how much that will mean to them. Just to have someone say hello.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Calling God first and friends second.
Life is not always easy. My parents had few friends. One thing for sure in this road of life that I have traveled I see that there is good and bad in having friends. Many times we can turn to our friends instead of God and sometimes we expect way too much of them. I have a few good friends and love them to pieces. It is better to have a few and know that they will give honest advice and care. But as I drove today I realized that often we call our friends instead of calling God. I have a peace when I rest in God. When I try to fix it, like by nature I always do, I find myself very worried.
It's not easy I wished I carried a fairy wand with me and that I could have a car and be home in England but I do know God see's it all. Since my brother died I often talk to him and even if Scott is not here I do believe he will always be with me in some way or form in my heart or in a picture my brother lives. Even more so with God. He see's it all. Nothing goes unseen or unheard and that I do believe.
I do believe that God is found in the still small voice. Like a child is a friend so easily to another so God opens His heart every day to you and me.
It's just a thought to call Him first and friends second.
After all God is a jealous God.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Praise, Praise and Praise again.
It's been a tough week. I even took a nap. This week I have learnt one thing to Praise and Praise God in the storm. So I ask you perhaps there is so truth to praising in the storm it takes a lot less energy and it sure makes you feel good so try it.
Please have a cup of tea with me.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Will you listen??
Words often flow out of our mouths without us even thinking about the impact that they will have. I have said many a word that I so wish I could go back and say something more loving or just listen. I have heard many a nasty word down the many phones I have picked up and I to at times have said many back. It is true it is probably better to say a few words and them to be words from your heart than say many and have a broken another heart. How many divorced people could say we wished we had just listened or parent when their child go of to college. When my brother died i surely said I wished I had listened more. I now hear words he said and hear his cry and yet I wished I had listened and loved more. One can look back and learn by ones mistakes and learn to listen more, love more and forgive. It is not like Lot's wife looking back and wanting what she left it is looking back and understanding that you have more to give now and more of an open heart to learn.
What voice will you listen to will you listen and just stay the same or will you listen and love once again?
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Forgiving even when it is not easy.
Many times in our lives we come across people that just rub us the wrong way. But one thing I tell family and friends I have seen the harm of not forgiving and seen how it can literally kill people. It's just life people
will hurt us along this road of life and many do not mean to even do it, others are just so hurt from things in their lives that it just comes out the wrong way. I make mistakes every day. I look back many times and I like to think by looking back that it helps me to remember some good times and see where I could of done things different and then ask forgiveness. It is not easy looking back nor is it easy to see from another persons point of view. But I do know that for me I would rather walk a harder road and try daily to forgive than holding bitterness and destroying the very people i love.
I recommend to you to consider looking at forgiveness and to ask how it could help your life.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Think before you speak. Plant words of encouragement.
Encouraging words are like water in a desert they bring forth life. While discouraging words are like a wild fire out of control destroying everything they touch.
Life is very short,handle with care. But how many of us say things we regret, we all do.
Take the time to think before you speak.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Your dream don't worry about what others think.
About six months ago someone made the comment to me, "do you think God wants you writing on your blog or doing something more important?" To be honest those words have haunted me a bit. The truth is I might not put all the comma's in the correct place and I might spell a word wrong every now and again, but I love writing. I can come up with a story in a moments notice. I have a heart and compassion for things I believe in and causes that are close to my heart.
So here is my suggestion when someone makes a suggestion about what you should be doing, you ask yourself if this where you believe God wants you to be. For me I know I write because i love it and this is what God has placed on my heart to do.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Easter or commercialism.
As I brought Easter goodies today. I could not help but think yet another money making holiday. I use to get a chocolate Easter egg every Easter and my mum would faithfully buy us each a card. Yet here in the states it is dresses and egg hunts and ornaments and more. It is as though Easter and the meaning has gone. No remembering that Christ died more remembering if you looked better than the kid next to you or got more goodies than them. I will have to say I remember clearly the best Easter egg that I loved it was done like a clock and so I got twelve small eggs each which pointed to a number on the clock and a big one in the middle I believe. So I was pulled into all the wonderful chocolate, while Christ did nothing to deserve this death. Shame on us.
My challenge is for you to think what do you do at Easter do you egg hunt or do you search your heart and consider what you should die to.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Happy 50th Scott.
Today we let go of a balloon with the number fifty on it for my brother. I let go of one at work burst into tears and I wished Scott could of been here. It may sound silly to people but it helps to me to keep my brother alive. He was a good brother and one I miss. His house is now sold and his earthly things in storage or sold. No none of this will matter to anyone else. I listened to my mum today my heart breaking. We all go through grief sometime in our life. I am thankful for the compassion it has brought into my life just wished it had been a different way.
So if you are grieving or learning to cope with a death of someone. I suggest you remember them on their Birthdays in a special way.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Happy 50th Scott..... Love you Lisa
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