It is so difficult to often find hope when going through difficult times. Someone blessed us with food and said do not tell anyone. So I am not mentioning their name. They were so humble so genuine. The coroner officer who is dealing with my brothers death has been so sweet. Then there are certain friends that simply say do what is right. It is never easy to keep running a race when you feel that you are against all odds. What is humbling is to see people who are running the race in hard times helping others out and not expecting a single thing from it. In truth it is a lesson to learn. It is those people that are the hero's of today's times. Not the ones who simply offer help with a motive.
It is a lesson to learn and one to think about how often do we want the praise.
It is a lovely Autumn day I encourage you to think how you could bless one person this week and you not want the praise.
Don't forget England changes their clocks back tonight.
Happy Autumn.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.